
Beautiful music

Liszt - Sonata in B minor

Liszt: Sonata in B Minor (Zimerman)

Ah, one of the most incredible, innovative and spicy sonatas of all time. A revolution for its time. The apogee is at the nearly exact center of the piece (15:51 in the link below) with the arrival on the f sharp major chord. Splendid! A little after that, there is a part with a sexy fugue… from the romantic era! Just jaw dropping, I mean what can you say. There is so much excitement going on in all these colors during the whole sonata; half an hour of magic and beauty.

Bach - Chaconne in D minor

Johann Sebastian Bach - Chaconne, Partita No. 2 BWV 1004 | Hilary Hahn

Written by Bach after the death of his wife Maria.

Rachmaninoff - Prelude op. 32 no. 10

Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op.32 No.10 in B Minor (Berezovsky)

You can immediately observe the russian melodies from the very first line, which remind of Rachmainoff’s homeland. A calm but tenebrous melody that then starts flying gently before becoming dark and severe, holding us with a thick bass that seems to never stop.

Debussy - Arabesque no. 1

Stanislav Bunin: Debussy - Arabesque No. 1 in E major

Tchaikowsky - Symphony no. 6 “Pathetique”


TCHAIKOVSKY - Symphony no. 6 (Pathétique) - Herbert von Karajan & Wiener Philharmonic

Tchaikowsky’s final symphony, premiered 9 days before his death and depicts with passion the struggle of love and life. This symphony was called a “suicide note” by some scholars. Just listen to those melody hints that develop throughout the piece and come haunting you until the last note of this masterpiece. So much suffering, so much passion, Tchaikowsky makes us understand what he was going through.

Hoagy Carmichael - Stardust
